Myths, Legends & Truths! Toys Inspired by Elusive Creatures, Greek God's & The Bible

Learn the history of when man first began worshiping Greek Gods, feared the many mythical creatures, and how throughout the centuries they were transformed from hymns into stories, movies, cartoons, and toys.

See amazing toys that were licened after legendary creatures such as Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster, and the eerie tales of close encounters from around the world.

Rediscover the many true stories throughout history that were transformed from novels into movies, animated films, then licensed into amazing toys. 

Take a journey with us, as we visit the many truths from the bible, the many amazing archeological discoveries from within its many pages, and toys that were licensed.

Watch A Video/Documentary Titled: 

20 Mythical Creatures That Actually Existed

By Ultimate Fact

Film Duration:  11 min. 56 sec.